Team of accountants and bookkeepers that will understand your challenges, patiently educate you, allow transparency with your board and membership, and get good financial ratings.
The most important goal for any 501(c)5 labor unions is to maintain the ability to carry out its mission. To do that, financial stability is a must. At The W2 Group, we have over 8+ years of experience working with Boards and Executive Directors to promote and protect the interest of their members by providing streamlined back-office accounting support that will provide your organization with the needed internal controls to support governance while also making sure financial information is readily available for decisions making.
Our team of accountants will work closely with your directors and key staff members to focus on areas that are crucial to 501(c)5 labor unions: regulatory compliance, funding and investment challenges and strategic planning.
Services We Provide a 501(c)5 Labor Union and Organization
What Makes Our 501(c)5 Labor Union Accounting and Bookkeeping Services Unique
990 Preparation For a 501c5 Organization and Labor Union
The IRS Requires most charitable organizations to file a Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax. At the same time, some consider the requirement a burden compliance requirement. It can also be used as a marketing tool to tell the story of the organization. Board Members should see the 990 as a tool to educate donors and market their organizations and programs.
Sophisticated and likely wealthy donors perform due diligence before time or resources to a not-for-profit, whether as a service provider, a grantor, or a board member. With the competition for donors being stiff, organizations should put their best foot forward, ensuring that donors who do look at their 990 can see the organization’s quantitative and qualitative success. In completing your 990, we provide that your organization’s story is told. For pricing info and more information,
Financial Statement Audit Support and Preparation For a 501c5 Organization and Labor Union
We understand how hard it can be for your organization to prepare for a financial statement audit. It is hard to have a small accounting team or person maintain daily operations and ensure that things are done right to avoid those “pesky” Management letter comments.
Our team of CPAs and experienced Auditors can assist you in this process to ensure you meet your audit goals and ensure your internal control systems are adequately designed and operating effectively. Our team of experienced auditors can work with your 501(c)5 Labor Union to ensure your organization gets a clean opinion.
Thank you. We look forward to staying connected with you.
The W2 Group, LLC